
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Before you start on a new job explain to your employer that you are a student and will need extra time off during examinations and flexible working hours.

Try to look for a job that is a first step towards your chosen career path if possible.
For example, it you are studying for a Management or Business Administration Degree, working as a Marketing Representative or a management trainee will complement both your studies as well as your work.

Make sure that your schedule lets you have some time for yourself, to relax and enjoy the things you like the best, such as reading or listening to music.

Try to plan ahead, if you know a busy time is coming on your course or where you work, make a note of upcoming deadlines so you know when the hand in dates for coursework and assignments are. This will help you to keep on top of things and avoid missing those important deadlines. Don’t miss lectures to undertake work. If you miss the classes and submit work late or of poor quality, it will seriously damage your chances of getting a good degree.

Use your earning wisely- put away a part of it into a savings account for future use.

Be realistic about how much work you can fit in to your schedule. If you find yourself unable to cope speak to your boss about fewer work hours, or find a job that will give you more time to study.
Make sure you keep a record of all your activities while working. Valuable skills are gained from your work experience and these need to be recorded on your CV. Future employers will be impressed by how well you have managed your time, while studying and working.


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